We Love Feedback!!

We Love Feedback!!

The hardest thing to do is accept criticism. I'm not talking about a rando telling me I'm ugly, or our product is stupid. I'm talking about honest critique. Our goal is to create products of high quality. Sometimes we miss the mark. It happens, we are human. But hey, if we can do something better, we will endeavor to do so. But here's the thing folks...we need your help. If we made something that falls below expectations...let us know! If we don't know there is a problem, we can't fix it. Or worse, what if we think something needs fixing, but is not really a problem for anyone? That would be a waste of effort, and might even make the product less than it could be. We don't want that. Good or bad, we want to know.

To that end, we are implementing a plan whereby if you are willing to submit an honest review, we'll give you a discount on future orders.  This won't be an automatic thing that the computer assigns.  We'll actually read the review and get back to you with a response that includes a personal discount code.  

Thank you!!

Paul & Stacey

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